Publikationen des Institutes für Hochfrequenztechnik und Funksysteme

Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 180


Johannsen, Nils L. et al. "Joint Communication, Sensing, and Localization in Airborne Applications: Waveform Design and Multi-Mode Multi-Port Antennas". IEEE ACCESS. 2024, 12. 168557-168567.
Hahn, Tim und Dirk Manteuffel "Evaluation of the Beamforming Performance of a 4-Port Multi-Mode Antenna for Integrated Sensing and Communication Applications". European Microwave Week 2024, EuMW 2024 - Conference Proceedings; EuMC 2024: 54th European Microwave Conference. 2024, 860-863.
Mörlein, Leonardo und Dirk Manteuffel "A Method to Enhance the Active Modal Configuration of a Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna Array Using Characteristic Modes". International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications and IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, ICEAA-IEEE APWC 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. 2024, 153.
Warkentin, Lukas und Dirk Manteuffel "Port Generation for Multi-Mode Multi-Port Antennas based on Group Theory". 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2024. IEEE. 2024.
Hahn, Tim und Dirk Manteuffel "Generation of a Square Multi-Mode Multi-Port Aperture Antenna by Selective Modal Excitation". 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2024. IEEE. 2024.
Hoffmann, Axel et al. Matching Network for a High Fidelity Microwave Surface-Electrode in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Processors. DPG-Frühjahrstagungen, 10 März 2024, Freiburg, Abstract, 2024.
Grundmann, Lukas et al. "A Cupola-Shaped Multimode Multiport Antenna for Aerial Direction Finding". IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2024.,
Mörlein, Leonardo und Dirk Manteuffel. "Array Synthesis in Terms of Characteristic Modes and Generalized Scattering Matrices". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2024.,
Grundmann, Lukas, Lukas Warkentin und Dirk Manteuffel. "Deriving Characteristic Mode Eigenvalue Behavior Using Subduction of Group Representations". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2024, 72(7). 5614-5625.,
Hoffmann, Axel und Dirk Manteuffel "Design of Broadband Dual-Polarized Meta-Atoms for Reflecting Meta-Surfaces Using Characteristic Modes". 2024 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) . International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications. 2024, 130.